How to Draw the Brachial Plexus

Studywithanspt/ October 21, 2019/ PT School Essentials

Hi guys! Whether you’re in PT school or other graduate schools, the infamous brachial plexus has a reputation of being one of the hardest things to tackle. At my school, we had to learn this during our first semester, so it was very overwhelming to say the least. Now in my second year, I still have to recall information from this diagram so I created a tutorial for those who want to learn the brachial plexus! Whether you’re just starting to learn it or if you’ve had it memorized for years now, hopefully this post can teach or jog your memory about this nerve network. So here’s how to draw the brachial plexus!

Below are step by step diagrams that you can follow along to draw out the brachial plexus. If you’ve mastered that already, you can download my brachial plexus pdf with the nerve innervations and some mnemonics!

Hope this tutorial was helpful! While its important to learn the structure and labels for this diagram, knowing what each nerve innervates is just as tricky to memorize. Take your time absorbing the information and relate it to real clinical scenarios to help you remember it. Sure, we’re memorizing a bunch of names and numbers, but in the end, we have to USE this information in our clinical decision making. As with everything in grad school, applying what we learn in class is what’s actually important, not if you can memorize how to draw this diagram.

You can also head over to the downloads page and look at my brachial plexus pdf with nerve innervations and mnemonics! Thank you for reading this, and don’t forget to follow my instagram for some instagram story quiz questions that will test your knowledge!

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