Hello friends! Welcome to my QOTD quizzes page where all of my quiz questions are in one place! As some of you may know, I’ve been posting quiz questions daily and have been trying to figure out how to allow people to take these quizzes after the stories expire on Instagram. Because of the story highlight glitch, I decided to make a page on my website where you guys can use these quiz questions to study anytime!

Because I am currently on my last clinical rotation (whoo hooo!!), I don’t have the time to provide clear explanations and references for all of my questions. As a result, I’ve decided to keep these quizzes FREE.99 until I can provide good answer explanations for every question (if I even end up doing it LOL)! Even though there aren’t any explanations, I made all of these questions previously while using credible resources and my class lecture notes.

The quizzes below are all from my previous QOTD’s (plus some extras), so I’ll keep updating my quizzes as I continue to make QOTD’s on my Instagram! They’re all separated by subject, but there is also an option at the bottom to have 20 randomized questions from all subjects to help you study for all-encompassing exams (like the NPTE). While these are all geared towards the information needed to become an entry level physical therapist, students from other healthcare/medical professions may also benefit from these practice questions! Also, if you enjoy these quizzes, please consider buying me a coffee ☕️ cause lots of caffeine goes into making these questions 😅 Happy studying!

*last updated: 4/14/2021


*click the title to jump to that section

⭐️ Musculoskeletal System

⭐️ Cardiopulmonary System

⭐️ Neuromuscular System

⭐️ Other Systems

⭐️ Pediatrics

⭐️ Modalities and PT Treatments

⭐️ Physical Therapy Topics

⭐️ ALL


>> these questions ask about the musculoskeletal system and orthopedic diagnoses, examinations, and interventions


Musculoskeletal Quiz #1

1 / 10

Category: Musculoskeletal

Scapular winging could possibly indicate an injury to which nerve?

2 / 10

Category: Musculoskeletal

Adson’s Test and Roos Test are used to screen for:

3 / 10

Category: Musculoskeletal

Which of the following is a glenoid rim fracture, usually due to a subluxation or partial dislocation?

4 / 10

Category: Musculoskeletal

Your patient has come into the clinic with a sudden onset of severe neck pain. You suspect that the patient has cervical arterial dysfunction because the patient also reports:

5 / 10

Category: Musculoskeletal

Your patient has weak wrist flexion, diminished triceps reflex, and decreased sensation of the middle finger. Which nerve is the most likely influencing this presentation?

6 / 10

Category: Musculoskeletal

You suspect that your patient has sustained a disc herniation at the L4/5 segment. What exam finding would you expect?

7 / 10

Category: Musculoskeletal

Your patient has C7 radiculopathy. What stage of condition would you prescribe nerve tensioners as an intervention?

8 / 10

Category: Musculoskeletal

Which of the following exercises would be the LEAST effective to prescribe to your patient with a lumbar disc herniation?

9 / 10

Category: Musculoskeletal

Your patient experiences pain relief with the Sharp Purser Test. What should you do next?

10 / 10

Category: Musculoskeletal

What occurs in the late phase of TMJ opening?


Musculoskeletal Quiz #2

1 / 10

Category: Musculoskeletal

Which condition occurs due to insufficient mineralization of the bone matrix, causing the bone to soften?

2 / 10

Category: Musculoskeletal

If the pt has limited R cervical SB, rot, and ext, what mob would improve her ROM?

3 / 10

Category: Musculoskeletal

Performing an anterior glide of the proximal row of carpals on the radius would improve:

4 / 10

Category: Musculoskeletal

What muscles are most involved in DeQuervains Tenosynovitis?

5 / 10

Category: Musculoskeletal

Which of the following is the best test to perform in order to rule in tarsal tunnel syndrome?

6 / 10

Category: Musculoskeletal

All of the following muscle tendons insert onto the medial epicondyle via the common flexor tendon, EXCEPT:

7 / 10

Category: Musculoskeletal

When you ask the patient to make a fist, they are only able to flex the 4th and 5th digits. What is this called?

8 / 10

Category: Musculoskeletal

Your patient is able to perform 5 heel raises during the ankle PF MMT. What grade would you give her?

9 / 10

Category: Musculoskeletal

You can get information for the muscle length of all of the following muscles using the Thomas test EXCEPT:

10 / 10

Category: Musculoskeletal

When performing an MMT of supinator, what should the patient position be in order to shorten the bicep muscle?


Musculoskeletal Quiz #3

1 / 10

Category: Musculoskeletal

How many degrees of abduction would the pt’s arm be in to test the muscle length of the clavicular fibers of the pec major muscle?

2 / 10

Category: Musculoskeletal

You suspect that your patient has plantar fasciopathy. All of the following are typical clinical findings for this diagnosis EXCEPT:

3 / 10

Category: Musculoskeletal

What structures are included in the unhappy triad?

4 / 10

Category: Musculoskeletal

Which of the following muscles insert into the medial epicondyle via the common flexor tendon?

5 / 10

Category: Musculoskeletal

All of the following create the borders of the triangular space EXCEPT:

6 / 10

Category: Musculoskeletal

Which shoulder motion will be MOST restricted in a patient with adhesive capsulitis?

7 / 10

Category: Musculoskeletal

You suspect that your patient has C5 cervical radiculopathy. Which of the following findings would you expect to see in the examination?

8 / 10

Category: Musculoskeletal

Which of the following are NOT included in the 8 clinical signs of lumbar instability?

9 / 10

Category: Musculoskeletal

You want to perform the Ober’s test on your patient during the evaluation. What do you do FIRST?

10 / 10

Category: Musculoskeletal

You suspect that your patient may have biceps tendinopathy. Which special test would help you to confirm this diagnosis?


Musculoskeletal Quiz #4

1 / 10

Category: Musculoskeletal

As you analyze your patient’s posture, you notice that they “hang on their Y ligaments”, which mean that instead of activating their muscles, they lean into their:

2 / 10

Category: Musculoskeletal

During the evaluation, your patient reports pain in her shoulder with abduction. She also is unable to abduct it beyond 90 degrees. Which nerve is MOST LIKELY involved?

3 / 10

Category: Musculoskeletal

Your patient has pain when he nods his head to say “yes” but no pain when shaking his head to say “no”. Which joint is MOST LIKELY the culprit behind his pain?

4 / 10

Category: Musculoskeletal

All of the following ligaments are taut with knee flexion and slackened with knee extension EXCEPT:

5 / 10

Category: Musculoskeletal

Because of their toeing in gait, you want to strengthen your patient’s hip external rotators. All of the following muscles assist in hip ER EXCEPT:

6 / 10

Category: Musculoskeletal

Which of the following ligaments provides stability against varus forces on that joint?

7 / 10

Category: Musculoskeletal

The glenohumeral joint and scapulothoracic “joint” have to work together in order to achieve full shoulder ROM. This relationship is typically called the scapulohumeral rhythm, which means that the ratio of movement of GH joint:scapulothoracic joint is:

8 / 10

Category: Musculoskeletal

High velocity joint thrusts are contraindicated in all of the following patients with any of the following EXCEPT:

9 / 10

Category: Musculoskeletal

You want to create a program with an extension bias in all of the following diagnosis EXCEPT:

10 / 10

Category: Musculoskeletal

Which of the following is NOT a clinical sign of lumbar instability?


Musculoskeletal Quiz #5

1 / 10

Category: Musculoskeletal

What is the correct arthrokinematics of RIGHT rotation at T8/T9 joint?

2 / 10

Category: Musculoskeletal

If your patient has glute med tendinopathy, which of the following tests would be positive?

3 / 10

Category: Musculoskeletal

All of the following muscles play a role in elevating the mandible for biting EXCEPT:

4 / 10

Category: Musculoskeletal

Your patient is a waiter and reports difficulty with activities like pouring water into a cup, spreading butter on toast, and holding up a plate in her hand. Which nerve may be affected?

5 / 10

Category: Musculoskeletal

You have your patient perform sit to stands to improve her LE strength. When she stands up, what occurs at the knee due to the screw home mechanism?

6 / 10

Category: Musculoskeletal

When assessing your patient's passive lumbar motion, you notice that your patient has limited R lumbar rotation. What occurs arthrokinematically during this motion?

7 / 10

Category: Musculoskeletal

You suspect that your patient has a SLAP lesion. Which of the following tests do you expect to be positive?

8 / 10

Category: Musculoskeletal

You have your patient stand with shoulders externally rotated with elbows flexed to 90 degrees while in 90 degrees of abduction. You instruct them to open and close their hands slowly and report any reproduction of symptoms. If this test was positive, what diagnosis would you suspect?

9 / 10

Category: Musculoskeletal

Your patient reports pain in the lateral ankle after he tripped over a curb. You perform the anterior drawer test and talar tilt test, and both were positive. Which ligament(s) do you suspect to be injured?

10 / 10

Category: Musculoskeletal

When performing the SLR neural tension test, you also bring the ankle into dorsiflexion and inversion. These additional motions help to bias which nerve?


Musculoskeletal Quiz #6

1 / 10

Category: Musculoskeletal

Which of the following would result from a rupture of the extensor tendon at its insertion?

2 / 10

Category: Musculoskeletal

Your patient had a recent total hip replacement with the posterior approach. Which exercise could you include in your treatment session?

3 / 10

Category: Musculoskeletal

During the examination, your patient reports pain over the supinator muscle and paresthesia on the dorsal aspect of the first 3 digits. Which nerve is most likely affected?

4 / 10

Category: Musculoskeletal

You perform the prone instability test on your patient, and the test is negative. What does this indicate?

5 / 10

Category: Musculoskeletal

Which of the following has the characteristic "dinner fork" deformity - posterior displacement of distal radius?

6 / 10

Category: Musculoskeletal

When performing the vertebral artery test, you make sure to ask about the signs and symptoms of vertebral-basilar artery dysfunction. These include all of the following EXCEPT:

7 / 10

Category: Musculoskeletal

Your patient is a 50 y/o female who c/o diffuse shoulder pain in her L arm (she is R side dominant). She reports that there was no traumatic incident that caused the pain, and her symptoms have gotten worse the past few weeks. What is the MOST likely diagnosis based on this information?

8 / 10

Category: Musculoskeletal

When performing the Bunnel-Littler Test, you find that your patient's PIP flexion is limited in both test positions. What does this mean?

9 / 10

Category: Musculoskeletal

Your patient has pain and hypomobility with an upglide of C3 on C4. Which grade of joint oscillations should you use to help treat this?

10 / 10

Category: Musculoskeletal

You want to improve your patient's wrist extension by performing joint mobilizations. What glide would help with this motion?


>> these quiz questions discuss the cardiopulmonary system, along with cardiac rehab and pulmonary examination/interventions


Cardiopulmonary Quiz #1

1 / 10

Category: Cardiopulmonary

All of the following are restrictive pulmonary disorders EXCEPT:

2 / 10

Category: Cardiopulmonary

You want to help your patient with her excessive pulmonary secretions. You can perform all of the following interventions for this EXCEPT:

3 / 10

Category: Cardiopulmonary

Which of the following is NOT a contraindication for inpatient and outpatient cardiac rehabilitation?

4 / 10

Category: Cardiopulmonary

During cardiac rehab, you want to monitor the patient's appearance, signs, and symptoms of excessive effort and exertional intolerance. All of the following are things to examine for EXCEPT:

5 / 10

Category: Cardiopulmonary

After calculating your patient's ABI value, you determine that it is 0.45. This indicates:

6 / 10

Category: Cardiopulmonary

You believe that your patient has intermittent claudication in her lower extremities and experiences intense cramping and pain, which typically occurs in the:

7 / 10

Category: Cardiopulmonary

As you read your patient's ECG strip, you notice that there are no P waves with wide QRS waves followed by a long pause. This indicates:

8 / 10

Category: Cardiopulmonary

When auscultating your patient, you hear bruits, which are:

9 / 10

Category: Cardiopulmonary

All of the following are possible effects of physical training/cardiac rehab EXCEPT:

10 / 10

Category: Cardiopulmonary

Which of the following is FALSE about the S1 heart sound?


Cardiopulmonary Quiz #2

1 / 10

Category: Cardiopulmonary

Which is characteristic of hyperglycemia and is not present in patients with hypoglycemia?

2 / 10

Category: Cardiopulmonary

Headaches and coma are possible signs and symptoms of:

3 / 10

Category: Cardiopulmonary

You want to perform postural drainage on your patient. You have the patient lie supine on the table, body turned 45 degrees to the left, right side raised off the table by pillows, and the foot of the bed raised 12 in. Which lung lobe are you trying to target?

4 / 10

Category: Cardiopulmonary

Which of the following is a characteristic of chronic bronchitis?

5 / 10

Category: Cardiopulmonary

Which of the following can be caused by COPD, blebs, or bullae?

6 / 10

Category: Cardiopulmonary

Vital capacity is the sum of what volumes?

7 / 10

Category: Cardiopulmonary

Which is not a general characteristic of restrictive lung disorders?

8 / 10

Category: Cardiopulmonary

Which of the following is a manifestation of left sided heart failure?

9 / 10

Category: Cardiopulmonary

What happens to the mean arterial pressure when heart rate increases?

10 / 10

Category: Cardiopulmonary

You are performing auscultation on your patient. Erb’s point is located at the:


Cardiopulmonary Quiz #3

1 / 10

Category: Cardiopulmonary

Tracheal deviation, acute dyspnea, absent or diminished breath sounds, and hypoxemia are all signs and symptoms of what diagnosis?

2 / 10

Category: Cardiopulmonary

You suspect your patient is suffering from deep vein thrombosis. All of the following are clinical manifestations of DVT EXCEPT:

3 / 10

Category: Cardiopulmonary

All of the following are main triggers for angina EXCEPT:

4 / 10

Category: Cardiopulmonary

Pursed-lip breathing is used to do all of the following EXCEPT:

5 / 10

Category: Cardiopulmonary

You plan to perform postural drainage on your patient. You position him into sidelying with the foot of the bed at a 20 inch incline. This position is optimal for draining the:

6 / 10

Category: Cardiopulmonary

During the examination, the results indicate that your COPD patient’s FEV1 is 60%. According to the GOLD classification, your patient is at:

7 / 10

Category: Cardiopulmonary

The amount of air that resides in the lungs after a normal resting tidal exhalation is:

8 / 10

Category: Cardiopulmonary

You notice that your patient is using her accessory muscles during inspiration. Which primary inspiratory muscle do you want to focus on training during her treatment?

9 / 10

Category: Cardiopulmonary

Which of the following is a risk factor for chronic venous insufficiency?

10 / 10

Category: Cardiopulmonary

The Wells Criteria is used to detect the presence of a DVT. All of the following are included on this criteria EXCEPT:


Cardiopulmonary Quiz #4

1 / 10

Category: Cardiopulmonary

All of the following are common characteristics of R-sided heart failure EXCEPT:

2 / 10

Category: Cardiopulmonary

Which of the following are non-modifiable risk factors for cardiovascular disease?

3 / 10

Category: Cardiopulmonary

All of the following are used to indicate abnormalities in a patient’s vascularity EXCEPT:

4 / 10

Category: Cardiopulmonary

While you are assisting your patient in transitioning from supine to standing, he reports that he feels lightheaded and his legs feel weak. You then notice that his blood pressure has dropped, indicating that he is experiencing:

5 / 10

Category: Cardiopulmonary

You notice that your patient’s recent ECG shows an acute ST elevation. This indicates that your patient had:

6 / 10

Category: Cardiopulmonary

As you auscultate at your patient’s 4th L intercostal space at the sternal border, you are listening to the:

7 / 10

Category: Cardiopulmonary

When taking your patient’s radial pulse, you determine that it is diminished and barely perceptible. This means that you should grade it as a:

8 / 10

Category: Cardiopulmonary

During physical therapy, you have your patient do a high intensity exercise for 5 minutes. You would expect all of the following EXCEPT:

9 / 10

Category: Cardiopulmonary

The amount of blood ejected with each myocardial contraction is:

10 / 10

Category: Cardiopulmonary

Your patient is on a bike and you double the resistance after 5 minutes. Which of the following would be a normal physiological change?


Cardiopulmonary Quiz #5

1 / 10

Category: Cardiopulmonary

Which part of the heart receives oxygenated blood from the lungs and pulmonary veins?

2 / 10

Category: Cardiopulmonary

When performing a cardiovascular exam, you observe the skin for possible signs of decreased cardiac output and low oxygen saturation. These signs include all of the following EXCEPT:

3 / 10

Category: Cardiopulmonary

Your patient has congestive heart failure. While auscultating her, which heart sound do you expect to hear SPECIFICALLY because of her diagnosis?

4 / 10

Category: Cardiopulmonary

On your patient's ECG, you notice that there are 5 PVCs in a row. This indicates:

5 / 10

Category: Cardiopulmonary

You're about to treat a new patient for LE pain, but then you suspect that he has DVT. You complete the Wells Criteria for him, and his score ended up to be 3. What should you do next?

6 / 10

Category: Cardiopulmonary

Your patient has coronary artery disease, so you want to perform the submaximal Exercise Tolerance Test (ETT) on them. You would stop this test when the patient:

7 / 10

Category: Cardiopulmonary

In regards to pulmonary rehabilitation, you can use percussion to address all of the following EXCEPT:

8 / 10

Category: Cardiopulmonary

You want to teach your patient a breathing technique to help with shortness of breath. Because this patient also has COPD, which technique would be the most effective for them?

9 / 10

Category: Cardiopulmonary

For patients with a restrictive pulmonary disease, which pulmonary function value would you expect to be normal?

10 / 10

Category: Cardiopulmonary

When exercising at a high altitude, which of the following will stay the same initially?


>> the questions in these quizzes will involve neuroanatomy, neurological diagnoses, neurological examination, and treatments for neurological patients


Neuromuscular Quiz #1

1 / 10

Category: Neuromuscular

You want to incorporate the D2 PNF pattern into your patient's treatment today. What other motions are included in D2 flexion?

2 / 10

Category: Neuromuscular

Your spinal cord injury patient has little to no motor function with a lack of proprioception in her R LE. In addition, she doesn't experience pain or temperature in her L LE. What kind of SCI syndrome does she have?

3 / 10

Category: Neuromuscular

The Rinne Test is utilized to identify:

4 / 10

Category: Neuromuscular

Which of the following is an example of secondary brain damage related to a traumatic brain injury?

5 / 10

Category: Neuromuscular

The postcentral gyrus is located in the:

6 / 10

Category: Neuromuscular

Constraint-induced movement therapy (CIMT) is indicated for your patient. To do this, you put a:

7 / 10

Category: Neuromuscular

What type of inhibition is used in an agonist contract PNF stretch?

8 / 10

Category: Neuromuscular

Which is a prerequisite for a SCI patient to be able to perform supine to sitting?

9 / 10

Category: Neuromuscular

Your patient sustained a C6 complete SCI. While instructing her in a sitting balance intervention, you want to educate the patient on all of the following EXCEPT:

10 / 10

Category: Neuromuscular

All of the following are signs and symptoms of autonomic dysreflexia, EXCEPT:


Neuromuscular Quiz #2

1 / 10

Category: Neuromuscular

All of the following are rehab strategies for a TBI patient with Rancho Los Amigos Level IV EXCEPT:

2 / 10

Category: Neuromuscular

All of the following are clinical findings related to Guillain-Barre Syndrome, EXCEPT:

3 / 10

Category: Neuromuscular

A group of disorders that affects the brain and present as symptoms that mostly affect memory and language in older adults is known as:

4 / 10

Category: Neuromuscular

Which subtype of Multiple Sclerosis is described as a steady and irreversible decline with or without acute attacks?

5 / 10

Category: Neuromuscular

What is the most common cause of Guillain-Barre Syndrome?

6 / 10

Category: Neuromuscular

You are analyzing the gait of your patient with Parkinson’s Disease. You notice all of the following EXCEPT:

7 / 10

Category: Neuromuscular

With habituation training for vestibular rehabilitation, what do you want to ensure?

8 / 10

Category: Neuromuscular

In the medical chart, you see that your patient suffered from a spinal cord injury and is classified as Grade B on the ASIA Impairment Scale. This means:

9 / 10

Category: Neuromuscular

Autonomic dysreflexia can occur with spinal cord lesions above T6. An issue with which item can potentially cause this medical emergency?

10 / 10

Category: Neuromuscular

Which of the following statements is FALSE about transient ischemic attacks?


Neuromuscular Quiz #3

1 / 10

Category: Neuromuscular

Locked-in syndrome describes a condition where the patient cannot move or speak. Vertical eye movements and blinking are the only actions that are intact and are the only options for communication. This syndrome is caused by an occlusion to the:

2 / 10

Category: Neuromuscular

After grading your patient using the Glasgow Coma Scale, you determine that she has suffered a moderate TBI. This is because her GCS score is:

3 / 10

Category: Neuromuscular

When treating a patient with a TBI who is within LOCF I-III, which of the following is the LEAST important for this type of patient:

4 / 10

Category: Neuromuscular

When doing a general sensation test on your patient, his results show no feeling of crude touch or pressure on his distal UEs. This indicates that there may be an issue with the:

5 / 10

Category: Neuromuscular

Your patient is 2 wks post-op TKA and reports sharp pain with any material touching her incision site, like long pants, blankets, and towels. This common sensory impairment is an example of:

6 / 10

Category: Neuromuscular

Your patient has difficulty walking for prolonged periods of time. Which outcome measure will determine your patient’s level of endurance?

7 / 10

Category: Neuromuscular

Your stroke patient demonstrates flexion synergy when performing any UE action. You expect to see all of these motions EXCEPT:

8 / 10

Category: Neuromuscular

You’re examining your patient using the Modified Ashworth Scale and determine that she demonstrates a Grade 3, which means:

9 / 10

Category: Neuromuscular

Which of the following is the gold standard drug for Parkinson’s Disease?

10 / 10

Category: Neuromuscular

Your patient presents with horizontal canalithiasis. Which treatment would be the most appropriate for this diagnosis?


Neuromuscular Quiz #4

1 / 10

Category: Neuromuscular

Your patient's taste has been affected after damage to his cranial nerves. Taste, one of the special senses, is innervated by:

2 / 10

Category: Neuromuscular

Receptive aphasia can occur due to a lesion in which lobe?

3 / 10

Category: Neuromuscular

You notice that your patient exhibits exaggerated balance reactions and steps forward with small perturbations. Which is the BEST exercise to promote the appropriate balance reaction for small perturbations?

4 / 10

Category: Neuromuscular

You want to determine which type of sensory information is dominant and which is impaired for your patient, who frequently experiences loss of balance on even and uneven surfaces. Which test would you conduct for this?

5 / 10

Category: Neuromuscular

All of the following are signs and symptoms of autonomic dysreflexia EXCEPT:

6 / 10

Category: Neuromuscular

Your new patient recently sustained a C7 spinal cord injury. She does not have motor function below C7, but her sensation is preserved. Some sensation is also preserved in S4-5. What grade would you give her according to the ASIA impairment scale?

7 / 10

Category: Neuromuscular

Which type of imaging is more effective at diagnosing acute strokes?

8 / 10

Category: Neuromuscular

Your patient recently sustained a pontine lesion. Which of the following cranial nerves may be affected?

9 / 10

Category: Neuromuscular

Your patient recently sustained a pontine lesion. Which of the following cranial nerves may be affected?

10 / 10

Category: Neuromuscular

All of the following are characteristics associated with Horner's syndrome EXCEPT:


>> other systems include the integumentary system, lymphatic system, GI system, metabolic systems, and others


Other Systems Quiz #1

1 / 10

Category: Other Systems

You are performing an abdominal examination on your patient, and he reports tenderness to palpation in the R lower quadrant. Which of the following is a possible source of his pain?

2 / 10

Category: Other Systems

Which dressing should be used for wounds with large amounts of exudate?

3 / 10

Category: Other Systems

Which debridement method would be best to use for excising wounds with moist necrotic tissue?

4 / 10

Category: Other Systems

How can you distinguish between lymphedema and lipidema?

5 / 10

Category: Other Systems

Which is a herniation of the small intestine into the deep inguinal ring and out the superficial inguinal ring?

6 / 10

Category: Other Systems

Which of the following is characteristic of hypoglycemia?

7 / 10

Category: Other Systems

When examining your patient’s ulcer on his distal lower leg, you notice that it is deep with no granulation. If the pedal pulses are absent and there is pain with LE elevation, this ulcer is MOST LIKELY a(n):

8 / 10

Category: Other Systems

All of the following are age-related changes EXCEPT:

9 / 10

Category: Other Systems

Your patient has burns on both arms and back. Based on the Rule of Nines, what is the percentage when estimating the burn area?

10 / 10

Category: Other Systems

Cushing’s syndrome is a metabolic disorder resulting from excessive production of cortisol. Signs and symptoms would include all of the following EXCEPT:


Other Systems Quiz #2

1 / 10

Category: Other Systems

Your patient has Grave's Disease, which is a type of:

2 / 10

Category: Other Systems

During your evaluation, your patient reports that she has diabetes and has peripheral neuropathy. As a result, you want to check if she has any diabetic ulcers. Where do they usually appear?

3 / 10

Category: Other Systems

All of the following are common locations for arterial ulcers EXCEPT?

4 / 10

Category: Other Systems

Lymphedema that is spontaneously reversible is what stage?

5 / 10

Category: Other Systems

All of the following are indicative of appendicitis EXCEPT:

6 / 10

Category: Other Systems

Even as physical therapists, it is important to be knowledgeable about adverse side effects to the cancer treatment as it will affect how you plan and conduct your interventions. Your patient may experience any of the following EXCEPT:

7 / 10

Category: Other Systems

When examining your patient's heels, you notice a pressure ulcer on the R heel. The wound looks like it could be a deep crater but is covered in eschar. What stage should you label this ulcer as?

8 / 10

Category: Other Systems

Your patient reports that he experiences a sudden release of urine when coughing or laughing. Which of the following can cause this type of incontinence?

9 / 10

Category: Other Systems

Your low back pain patient also has hypothyroidism. What symptom of hypothyroidism should you watch out for during the treatment session?

10 / 10

Category: Other Systems

Your patient has a 10 day old wound. What should be happening at this time if it is a healthy wound?


>> these questions pertain to the pediatric population and pediatric specific information regarding physical therapy


Pediatrics Quiz #1

1 / 10

Category: Pediatrics

In order to prevent SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome), the Academy of Pediatrics recommends that babies should sleep in:

2 / 10

Category: Pediatrics

Your pediatric patient presents with abnormal postures and movements with patterns of flexion and extension. There is also an imbalance of tone throughout the body with increased tone in antigravity muscles. He presents most like those with:

3 / 10

Category: Pediatrics

Your pediatric patient has progressive muscle weakness with gower’s sign and pseudohypertrophy in his calves. These are all characteristics of what diagnosis:

4 / 10

Category: Pediatrics

A child with Down Syndrome typically display all of the following characteristics EXCEPT:

5 / 10

Category: Pediatrics

Which of the following describes a child with a sensory processing disorder with hypersensitivity?

6 / 10

Category: Pediatrics

Premature infants with respiratory distress syndrome have a high chance of getting ____ due to dependency on mechanical ventilation.

7 / 10

Category: Pediatrics

You’re measuring the heart rate for your 8 y/o patient. If it is normal, you expect it to be:

8 / 10

Category: Pediatrics

The GMFCS (gross motor function classification system) was specifically designed to describe kids with:

9 / 10

Category: Pediatrics

Which of the following pediatric milestones would you expect to develop the earliest?

10 / 10

Category: Pediatrics

Your 3 y/o patient demonstrates a gross motor delay and presents with motor skills that match an 18 month old child. Which actions would you NOT expect your patient to be able to perform?


Pediatrics Quiz #2

1 / 10

Category: Pediatrics

What is the gold standard intervention for hip dysplasia in pediatric patients?

2 / 10

Category: Pediatrics

You notice that your pediatric patient has clubfeet, or talipes equinovarus. What motions make up this abnormality?

3 / 10

Category: Pediatrics

Which of the following statements is NOT true about Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy?

4 / 10

Category: Pediatrics

Your patient is a 4 year old girl with Down Syndrome. During the evaluation, what impairment would you expect to find?

5 / 10

Category: Pediatrics

A baby in the NICU who has respiratory distress syndrome may develop ____ with prolonged mechanical ventilation.

6 / 10

Category: Pediatrics

Your patient is a 5 y/o female who has cerebral palsy. She is only able to walk with her gait trainer, but she has the most difficulty walking outdoors and in the community. What GMFCS level would you classify her?

7 / 10

Category: Pediatrics

You position your 24 month old patient into quadruped, but she starts to flex her head, causing her legs to push into full extension with her arms flexed under her. What reflex has not yet integrated?

8 / 10

Category: Pediatrics

Erb's paralysis is a brachial plexus injury affecting C5-6 and can be caused during the birth process. In a child with Erb's palsy, all of the following muscles would be affected EXCEPT:

9 / 10

Category: Pediatrics

All of the following can help to diagnose congenital hip dysplasia EXCEPT:

10 / 10

Category: Pediatrics

Your new patient has spina bifida. During the eval, which clinical manifestation would you NOT expect to see?


>> the questions in these quizzes will include modalities (electrical stimulation, ultrasound, cryotherapy, etc) and other physical therapy interventions (nerve glides, manual therapy, exercise, etc.)


Modalities and PT Treatments Quiz #1

1 / 10

Category: Modalities and Treatments

All of the following are physiological changes as a result of muscle strength training EXCEPT:

2 / 10

Category: Modalities and Treatments

How much force should be used in order to facilitate joint distraction when utilizing mechanical cervical traction?

3 / 10

Category: Modalities and Treatments

Before you give your patient an ice massage, you educate her on the sequence of physiological responses that she should expect, which is:

4 / 10

Category: Modalities and Treatments

Your patient has significant muscle spasms in bilateral upper trapezius. You chose to use NMES as part of their treatment. What is the best on/off ratio to utilize?

5 / 10

Category: Modalities and Treatments

The electrical flow of a current would encounter different resistances when used on the human body. Which of the following states the correct order from least to greatest resistance?

6 / 10

Category: Modalities and Treatments

Which is the safest and most common electrical current?

7 / 10

Category: Modalities and Treatments

For a patient with carpal tunnel syndrome, you want to use ultrasound as part of your treatment. What US parameters would you use?

8 / 10

Category: Modalities and Treatments

Interferential current (IFC) electrical stimulation is commonly used to treat:

9 / 10

Category: Modalities and Treatments

Which type of electrical stimulation would be most beneficial for CVA patients that are prone to shoulder subluxations?

10 / 10

Category: Modalities and Treatments

In order to efficiently improve your patient’s muscle power when she performs Olympic lifts, you should prescribe 3-5 sets of:


>> these topics consist of gait, body mechanics, safety, infection control, professionalism, etc.


Physical Therapy Topics Quiz #1

1 / 10

Category: Physical Therapy Topics

When analyzing your patient’s gait, you notice that she is hip hiking on the R side. Which muscle is responsible for this action?

2 / 10

Category: Physical Therapy Topics

You suspect that your patient’s wheelchair is not fitted properly. When measuring her seat width, you want to make sure that it is:

3 / 10

Category: Physical Therapy Topics

Your patient has a R TKA and uses axillary crutches for ambulation. When teaching her how to ascend the stairs, you explain that:

4 / 10

Category: Physical Therapy Topics

Your patient demonstrates forefoot initial contact during gait. This could be caused by any of the following EXCEPT:

5 / 10

Category: Physical Therapy Topics

During your first treatment with your patient, you want to teach her a new exercise. What feedback and practice schedule would be most appropriate?

6 / 10

Category: Physical Therapy Topics

Which phase of gait requires the most knee flexion?

7 / 10

Category: Physical Therapy Topics

Your patient feels a sharp pain with shoulder flexion. What nociceptors are being activated, causing this pain?

8 / 10

Category: Physical Therapy Topics

In an inpatient rehab facility, what is the therapy duration and frequency for patients?

9 / 10

Category: Physical Therapy Topics

Which best describes a level 3 trauma center?

10 / 10

Category: Physical Therapy Topics

Which FIM score and description match is correct?


Physical Therapy Topics Quiz #2

1 / 10

Category: Physical Therapy Topics

Which of the following is part of the Bohr Effect of exercise?

2 / 10

Category: Physical Therapy Topics

When does mid-stance begin in the gait cycle?

3 / 10

Category: Physical Therapy Topics

What will happen during gait if the patient has weak eccentric dorsiflexion?

4 / 10

Category: Physical Therapy Topics

You have a 72 y/o female patient perform the 30 second chair stand test. What score indicates that this patient is a fall risk?

5 / 10

Category: Physical Therapy Topics

If your patient suddenly has a seizure during the treatment session, you should do all the following EXCEPT:

6 / 10

Category: Physical Therapy Topics

After performing an evaluation of your pediatric patient and talking to her parent, you believe that the child is suffering from abuse. What should you do next?

7 / 10

Category: Physical Therapy Topics

When analyzing your patient's gait, you notice that she circumducts her R LE during the swing phase. All of the following could potentially cause circumduction during gait EXCEPT:

8 / 10

Category: Physical Therapy Topics

"A goniometer is only used to measure range of motion." What type of validity is this statement discussing in regards to a goniometer?

9 / 10

Category: Physical Therapy Topics

The research study consists of 5 subjects in the SPT group and 8 subjects in the PT group. Which test should they use to determine the significance of the data collected?

10 / 10

Category: Physical Therapy Topics

You are analyzing the gait of your patient with a R transfemoral amputation. During the swing phase, you notice that she circumducts the R limb. Which of the following is a possible cause of this gait deviation?


>> this quiz will take questions from any of the following quizzes above and create a mini cumulative test consisting of 20 questions – it should randomize the questions each time you take it


All Topics Quiz #1

1 / 20

Category: Other Systems

Your patient has burns on both arms and back. Based on the Rule of Nines, what is the percentage when estimating the burn area?

2 / 20

Category: Musculoskeletal

According to Janda's upper crossed syndrome, if the deep cervical flexors are weak/inhibited, what other muscle will also be weak?

3 / 20

Category: Neuromuscular

Which of the following is an example of secondary brain damage related to a traumatic brain injury?

4 / 20

Category: Musculoskeletal

Which of the following muscles insert into the medial epicondyle via the common flexor tendon?

5 / 20

Category: Physical Therapy Topics

Your patient feels a sharp pain with shoulder flexion. What nociceptors are being activated, causing this pain?

6 / 20

Category: Musculoskeletal

When performing the vertebral artery test, you make sure to ask about the signs and symptoms of vertebral-basilar artery dysfunction. These include all of the following EXCEPT:

7 / 20

Category: Cardiopulmonary

Which of the following is FALSE about the S1 heart sound?

8 / 20

Category: Modalities and Treatments

Before you give your patient an ice massage, you educate her on the sequence of physiological responses that she should expect, which is:

9 / 20

Category: Neuromuscular

With habituation training for vestibular rehabilitation, what do you want to ensure?

10 / 20

Category: Neuromuscular

Your patient sustained a C6 complete SCI. While instructing her in a sitting balance intervention, you want to educate the patient on all of the following EXCEPT:

11 / 20

Category: Cardiopulmonary

You're about to treat a new patient for LE pain, but then you suspect that he has DVT. You complete the Wells Criteria for him, and his score ended up to be 3. What should you do next?

12 / 20

Category: Cardiopulmonary

For patients with a restrictive pulmonary disease, which pulmonary function value would you expect to be normal?

13 / 20

Category: Pediatrics

Your patient is a 4 year old girl with Down Syndrome. During the evaluation, what impairment would you expect to find?

14 / 20

Category: Other Systems

You are performing an abdominal examination on your patient, and he reports tenderness to palpation in the R lower quadrant. Which of the following is a possible source of his pain?

15 / 20

Category: Musculoskeletal

If your patient has glute med tendinopathy, which of the following tests would be positive?

16 / 20

Category: Physical Therapy Topics

If your patient suddenly has a seizure during the treatment session, you should do all the following EXCEPT:

17 / 20

Category: Cardiopulmonary

During the examination, the results indicate that your COPD patient’s FEV1 is 60%. According to the GOLD classification, your patient is at:

18 / 20

Category: Musculoskeletal

During the examination, your patient reports pain over the supinator muscle and paresthesia on the dorsal aspect of the first 3 digits. Which nerve is most likely affected?

19 / 20

Category: Other Systems

During your evaluation, your patient reports that she has diabetes and has peripheral neuropathy. As a result, you want to check if she has any diabetic ulcers. Where do they usually appear?

20 / 20

Category: Musculoskeletal

Which of the following is NOT a clinical sign of lumbar instability?

Hope these questions help! For subjects that you’re having trouble with, you can head over to my downloads page to review some of the concepts! Happy studying!

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